Monday 29 June 2015

The SHARES for JULY are;
TUESDAY the 14th 
WEDNESDAY the 29th 
Hopefully they will be fine nights and I can renew outdoors attunements for the summer! 

ALSO in JULY, I am hosting a pamper evening for a Reiki Master whom I trained, she is happy to demonstrate some amazing French products and you can win a mini facial or wrap on the night.
The evening is free, I'm helping Karen promote her good work and salon. 
I've seen the results firsthand and the products aren't mad money either. This evening is on FRIDAY 24th of JULY at 7pm, let me know if you can come please.

In AUGUST, Ilene, one of my dear Teacher friends from my Skyros days is visiting here from Sweden and I'd you to meet her and to hold a workshop for you on Monday 10th August in the evening. She runs some fab courses, eg body mapping, soul writing, really interesting fun personal development workshops.( She taught communication to the Swedish Royal children, now grown up!) PLEASE let me know if you'd like to come as space is limited!